

  • Phapanyetsano e khothalletsa nts'etsopele le ho hola hammoho

    Phapanyetsano e khothalletsa nts'etsopele le ho hola hammoho

    Ka la 27 Motšeanong 2023, Motsamaisi Tang Yi, moetapele oa Nantong Foreign Economy Profinseng ea Jiangsu, le Mopresidente Chen Hui, Mopresidente oa Jiangsu General Chamber of Commerce in Southern Africa, ba ile ba etela fektheri ea Deyang ea Saifu Xun Energy Storage Company (Anxun Energy Storage) , a...
    Bala haholoanyane
  • Sivoxun Energy polokelo | Pontšo ea Matla ea Machaba ea Sichuan

    Sivoxun Energy polokelo | Pontšo ea Matla ea Machaba ea Sichuan

    Sevoxun Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd. e thehile lephephe Setsing sa Machaba sa Kopano le Lipontšo sa Chengdu Century City ho tloha ka la 25 ho isa la 27 Motšeanong ho nka karolo ho Sichuan International Power Industry Expo le Clean Energy Equipment Expo ka 2023. The expo, gui. ..
    Bala haholoanyane